Gio Gonzalez pitched like an Ace tonight & Werth saves a HR and then hits #201: Postgame

Gio Gonzalez with 2 earned runs over 6 full innings in a well pitched game and Gio was helped by Jayson Werth‘s Web Gem stealing a HR from Byron Buxton. The bullpen came in a finished up the remaining 3 innings and the Nats won 8-4.

Nats have a 6 game winning streak now at Nats Park and improve their record to 12-4 matching the team best start which the Nats also accomplished in 2012.

The Nats got 2 hits each from Rendon, Murphy, Espinosa and Lobaton. Jayson Werth added a solo HR for #201 of his career.

And here is a picture taken by DonH at the game that shows Gio’s plant spot. He very carefully marked the area and hit it right on the nose throughout the game – perhaps the Maddux Effect.GioPlantSpot

And now lets take a couple more looks at Werth stealing that Home Run from Buxton.

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