Nationals travel squad heads to Jupiter as Treinen gets the start! 3/6/16

The Nationals had a surprise waiting for them today as Joe “Willie” Namath, aka “Broadway Joe” greeted Dusty Baker and Nats players today. Unfortunately it meant little to Michael Taylor as he had no idea who this football legend is. In related QB news, Peyton Manning is set to retire, and that will give him time to visit some more baseball games.

The Nats-Cardinals game today is broadcast by the Cardinals TV announcers, and the game will be shown on the MLB Network as well as on Cardinals radio.

Blake Treinen faces off Deck McGuire to begin the game.

Meanwhile, back at the ‘ranch’ Nats pitchers got the field today to work on batting and bunting.

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Photo by Hugh Kaufman aka The Chicken Man for

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Photo by Hugh Kaufman aka The Chicken Man for

Photo by Luis Albisu for

Photo by Luis Albisu for

Wilson Ramos is back in Viera after his Lasik procedure for his eyes. He expects to be back at it on Wednesday.

Trea Turner gets the start today as well as several players who will be competing for the final spot on the bench like Chris Heisey.

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